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I ran out of room!!!


The parent's room. I crocheted that bedspread to prove to myself that I could. I got the dresser years ago for almost nothing cuz the mirror was broken off. A dab of glue and it looked like new!!!


Another bed cover. I could still do it! The first one wasn't just a fluke! lol That "thing" in the corner is a monkey made from pipecleaners I found stuck to a decrepid palmtree. I don't think the kit makers intended these third floor room to be finished off. It was a CHORE! But I did it!!


The playroom. It needs more toys but mom and dad blew the budget just to get the house! It'll fill up eventually.


In her glory! Took two years counting interruptions. Like remodeling a couple other dollhouses for grandaughters.


Oops! Forgot this! This is the foundation unfinished.