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My aghans
These are just a few of the afghans I've made. The oldest of these is about 4 years old. I've done most if not all, in my own color combinations.

This is called Blended Rainbow
It's the first finished of those here. I did it in colors to match my livingroom. The pattern is from the Leisure Arts Pamphlet 2609, Primarily Kids.
This is called Simple Stripe
It was started before the Blended Rainbow but I got bored and came back later. It's from the Leisure Arts pamphlet 1446, More Extra Easy Afghans To Crochet.
I can't find this one in my books. If I find it I will put up what it is. I may also add a fringe one of these days.
This is called Weekend Ripples
It's from an American Shool of Needlework booklet 1272, The Ultimate Book of Scrap Afghans. It's made small to be a lap afghan.
It's called Rich Stripes
It's from Leisure Arts The Magazine, Cross Stitch, October 1994. Even the wrong side is pretty!
It's called Kaleidoscope
It's from the Crochet with ReadHeart book, Best Loved Afghans. I'm working on another version now - pastel variegated with white. One more square to go and then I can sew them together.
This is called Pansy Perfection.
It's from the Crochet with ReadHeart book, Best Loved Afghans, too. You can see that two of the squares have a different shade of white. I did mess up and grab the wrong skein but in real life you cannot see the difference! I made it in memory of my Gramma who died 8-14-2002. She loved pansies and lilacs.