The Elizabeth Ann
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The Elizabeth Ann
I bought this kit on clearance a few years ago to build for my mom. It's a halfinch scale house. My first and hopefully not my last. However, "builder's block" and other things have kept me from getting it done. It is now, October 2, 2002, nearly finished. And since I got most of the things I needed to finish it last week I should get in gear.

The front of the EA early on.
I thought I had earlier pix but didn't run across them. I don't think the inside was done at this point.
This is the livingroom.
Because I wanted to use the third level as living space I wanted the stairs to come up in a place that wasn't so slanted there was no room to stand. The solution was to turn all the stairways around. That made the first level set too close to the front door, soo . . . I got brave and made the stairs turn. It was a bit of a fight but I won!
I also wanted two doors in the stair wall, one to the diningroom and the other to the "sitting" room. That wasn't so tricky. And I thought a raised floor in the tower base area would be neat. I had some arguments with the angles even tho I did a template but it turned out ok.
The center and left rooms one the first and second level
The bathroom floor is a tile print done on PSP7. Very simple, lightly specked white tiles with aqua gout, but works well with the wallpaper.
The diningroom/sittingroom is my favorite. Because I was making a B&B out of the kit I needed a "formal" area to welcome people but also wanted a cozy area to relax. Plus a diningroom. So I did the pillars and cabinet dealies. There's probably an official term. lol I thought wainscoting in the back area would make it even more comfy. I made it with wooden coffee stirrers. Learned in the process to paint the underwall the color of the paneling.
Many people complained about the tiny kitchen but as a B&B it only does breakfasts and lunches so it was fine with me.
How I bashed the roof
I eliminated the braces they had and did an arch effect. Worked great but I did make a couple templates before I got it right.
You can also see the second level stairs. A lot of work went into them and you can't really see them unless you peek in that little window! lol
I also added another round window to get more light on the third level. It's gonna be a suite - like in the B&B John and I stayed in once. The round window frames are the ends of plastic threaad spools. I don't know remember what brand - some offbrand - but even one that doesn't fit right could be adjusted for with the siding and cardstock or foamcore lining in the walls.
The third level
It worked out pretty well. I figured the tower room for the bedroom, the peak with the window for the sitting/"dining" area and the bathroom back in the little corner on the other side of the stairs with a privacy screen type deal.
The finishing touch
I just hadda do it. I like how it turned out. Gotta remember to put the other side of the access door in the suite wall. Keeps slipping my mind when I think what else has to be done.
Last photo at this time - Oct 2, 2002
That's the date I entered this one - not the date taken. The roof is nearly done now for one. Gonna try to get working on it this week.