Home Page

The Lily

The Lily II

The Elizabeth Ann I

Em's Dollhouse


The Bayberry

Unknown Houses

Custom Page

Guest Book Page


I am, above all, a wife, mother of 4 and grandmother of 10. Inbetween, and admittedly sometimes in place of those, I am a hobby person. Mainly miniatures and dollhouses. This hobby can include just about any other hobby you can think of only in a smaller scale. I also enjoy counted crosstitch, crocheting, sewing and anything else that catches my imagination.

I also retired form home daycare after over 21 years on 8-31-04.  Time to play!  Well, as soon as we redo our house back to a REAL house instead of a daycare!

Hi! It's me and my hubby!

I thought it was time for a new picture so . . .  This one was taken for our 40th wedding anniversary August 19, 2003.  Forty years.  Hard to believe!


Well, if you were paying attention - I finished the tree skirt.  And another afghan.  I've rather run out of room here so check out my Webshots site for more afghans and stitchery not shown here.  http://community.webshots.com/user/grammapux

Working on the Lily

Lily went to the show but wasn't quit done.  Still isn't.  Real life and a couple requested dollhouses put her on the back burner.  Our real house redoing should be done right before Christmas so I should be able to jump back into minis with both feet after the first of the year.



More dollhouses I have made

Unkown Dollhouses

Please check them for me.

Em's house is done.

All done, to her house and still in one piece! lol  I'm working on one for her sister, Amy now.  Plus the Bayberry for my sister-in-law.  No pix of Amy's here yet.

