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Em's dollhouse

Em got a little green when Cy got a dollhouse soooo . . .  I was doing this for Christmas but John reminded me we already bought her something!!!  So much for buying Christmas gifts early! lol  Her BD is in June so not that much longer.

This is the box it came in

I got this kit from a gal who saw an article about my dollhouse making in the newspaper.  She gave me the kit and a bunch more stuff.  It's made to be a packaway house but I want to make it a permanent structure.  Safer that way.

Since Cy's house was pink, white and black I thought I'd stay with the general plan for Em.

The thrid floor isn't on yet.  I'm working on that separately and will be putting it on soon.  There were a lot of "hooks" to keep the house together without glueing.  I cut them off and it made some interesting situations.  Not hard - just needed to plan.

Trying to stay with as much of Cy's decorating as I can.

So far all the walls are done with contact paper.  I needed more so went hunting at the stores.  WOW, has the price of contact paper gone up!  Soooo, I found some regular wallpaper in my stash that is shiny - maybe vinyl coated.  Figure that will be easier to clean up if needed.  I used contact paper on the two floors that are done, too, as they looked like linoleum to me.

The bathroom.

There's a hamper and a medicine cabinet hiding.  I thought I got them in the shot but I gues not.  There are little white heart flowers on the cabinet doors, the side of the tub, the hamper and the toilet tank.  Maybe it'll show in the finished pix. 012604


The kid's room

It still needs the knobs on the dresser, the horse painted, blankets on the beds and a toychest.  012604

The master bedroom

Pretty much done except things on the wallshelf and little table. 012604

The livingroom

The fireplace is mostly made from strips cut from a floor tile.  It looked like little tiles and they were just the right size,  There's a picture of a fire in it - nice and cozy.   012604

The kitchen - my favorite room

Inspired by the wallpaper and tile I stayed with the primary colors.  I love how it turned out.  The table has lines of the colors makib=ng sort of a plaid effect.  There's a highchair peeking out from beside the fridge. -12604